Waste sorting workshop at KUET

As a student at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, I had the great opportunity to accompany the project work on site in Bangladesh in March as part of my bachelor thesis. I was particularly captivated by the work carried out at the KUET campus, as it fostered a close and direct interaction with the students and project staff. In this context, we were able to facilitate a waste sorting workshop, previously tested in Germany, which served as a foundation for data collection by the individual working groups.

The process of waste sorting comprises several steps of screening and subsequent sorting. Despite initial difficulties, the best possible implementation of waste sorting was found on-site and key aspects were comprehended. The workshop fostered practical collaboration and laid a solid groundwork for the project’s future progression.

About me: My name is Lucie Naumann and I recently completed my bachelor’s thesis at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, wherein I investigated the potential of plastics recycling in Germany and Bangladesh. This research provided me with the valuable opportunity to actively participate in the SCIP team’s activities, including on-site engagements in Bangladesh.

Inauguration of the Awareness Center

On the 2nd March 2023, the official inauguration of the newly established Awareness Centre was held at Khulna City Corporation Building (Nagar Bhaban). The occasion was graced by Mr. Talukder Abdul Khaleque, Mayor of KCC in Khulna, as the Chief Guest. The program commenced at 11:30 am, with Mr. Khaleque officially inaugurating the AWC by cutting the ribbon. SCIP members from KUET, ISOE and BUW were present to witness this significant milestone in the project. The Awareness Centre is envisioned to serve as a potential exemplar for all other city corporations in Bangladesh, aiming to raise awareness among citizens regarding environmental issues by addressing plastic waste as a grave environmental threat.

Beyond the WasteSafe conference

As an official event, the WasteSafe played a pivotal role in bringing back the German SCIP members to Bangladesh. However, the project has witnessed significant advancements both before and after the WasteSafe event held on February 25th and 26th. In addition to the official proceedings, the project team conducted a series of collaborative activities and field visits. Team-building activities, such as workshops on a boat in the Sundarbans following the World Café approach, and various field visits to recycling shops, landfills, and jute factories, have contributed significantly to the further development of the project.