Bangladesh delegation to visit Germany
In May 2023, after two visits of German SCIP members in Bangladesh, three delegates of our implementing partners in Khulna and Chattogram are visiting Germany. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Alamgir and Prof. Dr. Md. Rafizul Islam, both Khulna University of Engineering and Technology and Prof. Dr. Mst. Farzana Rahman Zuthi from Chittagong University of Engineering and Technoilogy start their residence time in Weimar at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar meeting the local SCIP team under the lead of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Kraft.
Apart from joint excursions, several project meetings and sightseeing the international guests are giving insights of their work to German students in environmental engineering. The delegation will also visit the Institute for Social-Ecological Research in Frankfurt.